About Us
Baikal–Adventure company was founded in Irkutsk city in 1998. We are group of young active people, who like to gladly share experience of travelling in our region with you. Our speciality is organizing active outdoor and adventure tours at Baikal Lake area. We work with groups, families and individual travelers.
Guide, project manager and administrator of Baikal-Adventure web-site.
Anton Kuzmin professional licenced tour guide since 1997. Before starting Baikal-Adventure project was working like free lance outdoor tour guide for many big travel companies of Irkutsk city.
On a side of it have been graduated in Irkutsk Medical University with a licence for General Pediatrics in 2003.
Instructor for trekking, mountaineering and rock/ice climbing. I have supported several foreign expeditions which went through Baikal Lake region (Baikal-Belukha expedition, Oddisey Sibirienne of Nicolas Vanier and some others.
I spend all my time guiding people and travelling on my own, this is my life style!
Driver, cook, fixer of anything and guide
Anton Moroz (by the way, “Moroz” in Russian means – frost, so time to time customers named him Father Frost )
Multytalented, very reliable person, good off-road driver, camping cook and just a great friendly buddy! Able to fix car in a middle of nowhere using just hammer :). Did participate in a few big caving expeditions in Baikal Lake region, previously was working for organizing outdoor youth camps at Baikal Lake.
Trekking and rafting guide
Jenya Yanuschak
Guide, professional offroad driver and mountain bike expert.
My name is Dmitry and my best friend`s name is Nissan Patrol 🙂 I spend most of my free time driving and discovering new places.Transfers on our adventure tours are very impressive part of the journey. They are like some sort of small extreme trips by themselves.
You will be completely amazed about what car can do and where it is possible to drive! You will enjoy our drive excursions! |
Trekking guide
Vyhara Sergey – a professional ethnologist, experienced regional guide and interpreter. Born in 1961, in Norilsk-town, the north of Krasnojarsk region. Since 1981 he’s lived and worked in Irkutsk.
“I’ve been working for almost 15 years as a tour guide at Baikal but till now I cannot stop admiring the beauty and magnificence of the Sacred Lake. Any place there has its own energy, either strength or peace!
In spite of having many other interests like ethnic music or regional history, to discover Baikal is still the largest part of my life.
I’d be very glad to guide here anyone who loves the simplicity of outdoor life, humor and friendly open communication”
Yours truly, Sergey Vyhara. |